Differences Between Personal Injury and Wrongful Death
Has somebody robbed you of the life of your loved one? Do you feel like you deserve to be compensated as much as it won’t bring them back? That is understandable; after all, anyone would do the same, especially if it was done intentionally. The pain of losing somebody so dear to the heart would lead you to do anything to see the party responsible pay.
Also, if you have found yourself a victim of negligent actions caused by someone else, you should know that something can be done about it. Read on to discover more about personal injury and wrongful death.

Personal Injury
Personal injury refers to when you file a claim after you and your property are injured or harmed because of somebody else’s act or failure to act. It is also referred to as tort law, and for it to be successful, the party responsible compensates you for your losses.
Wrongful Death
On the other hand, wrongful death refers to a claim that is brought against a person who can be held responsible for the death of the victim. It is usually filed by the survivors or family members of the dead victim. Also, it never matters whether it was caused intentionally or accidentally.
Difference between Personal Injury & Wrongful Death
There are differences between wrongful death and personal injury. One is that personal injury favors the person directly injured, whereas wrongful death the qualified survivors and decedent’s estate. Wrongful death can only occur when the victim is dead while personal injury requires them to be alive. The injured victims usually file personal injury claims, whereas wrongful death claims by the decedent’s estate. The statutes of limitations are also different; this refers to the duration one has to file the legal claims.
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How We Can Help
To deal with these claims in the best way possible, you need to choose the law firm in Erlanger, KY called W. Ron Adams and Associates to fight for you. They will walk with you until the last minute. You must know that they are well-versed in this field and as a result have nothing to worry about.
They have dealt with one too many cases pertaining to personal injury and wrongful death; therefore, they aren’t second-guessing anything. Looking for the best firm yet to work with could take a toll on you but knowing that you could count on a specific firm would take the weight off your shoulders.
The above points show the differences between personal injury and wrongful death. However, these two claims have a similarity in that they are both based on negligence. Feel free to contact our law firm in Erlanger, KY called W. Ron Adams and Associates today. If not today, when? You certainly don’t want your time to expire before you file a claim, or do you? If you need to know more about this firm, you could look at our website https://wronadamslaw.com/. That way, you can get a glimpse into the firm and even see reviews from former past clients. After all, who would want to work with a firm blindly?
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