A car accident is a devastating event, whether it’s a minor or major crash. While you may still be in shock and nursing serious injuries, we can guarantee one thing will happen shortly after the accident, the insurance adjuster’s phone call.
You need to know how to deal with the insurance adjuster to avoid saying or doing something that could jeopardize your claim altogether.
They know that most people don’t have a clue how to deal with insurance adjusters after an accident and can easily take advantage of you. Remember that claims adjusters are looking out for their insurance company’s interests, not yours.
Here are the best ways to deal with an insurance adjuster assigned to your case.

1. Keep the Conversations Short
Remain courteous but firmly let them know you’ll not discuss the details of the accident on the phone. Provide basic information like when and where the accident occurred and your contact information. Confirm whether they are the person’s insurance carrier or work for your insurance company. This information will help you handle your correspondence with them correctly going forward.
2. Do Not Give a Recorded Statement
Insurance adjusters often insinuate that you have to give a recorded statement as part of processing your insurance claim. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Decline any requests to give a recorded statement as anything you say can be used as a form of admitting liability to undermine your personal injury case.
3. Do Not Sign Any Medical Release Form
It’s common for auto insurance adjusters to ask accident victims to grant them access to their past medical records. They are looking to gather information that can support the grounds that you have pre-existing conditions that may have contributed to your injuries, all in a bid to lowball your claim. For this reason, do not sign any medical release documents.
4. Do Not Sign Any Settlement
An insurance claims adjuster will offer you an initial settlement offer and try to convince you it’s the best deal you can get. This offer is typically a lower settlement than the compensation you deserve. Look for a personal injury attorney to help you understand the value of your claim and negotiate with the insurance company so you can receive fair compensation.
5. Collect and Document Your Losses
The success of a claims process depends entirely on evidence. Keep all the correspondence with the insurance adjuster including documents and emails, and records of your medical bills, lost wages, and any out-of-pocket costs. The more evidence you have, the higher the chances of receiving a fair settlement.
6. Hire a Reputable Personal Injury Lawyer
Hiring a personal injury attorney is the best way to deal with insurance claim adjusters. Based on years of experience, they can anticipate their tricks and tactics and will handle all situations appropriately.
Your attorney will also gather evidence on your injuries, losses, and property damage that will help the settlement negotiations tip in your favor.
Get Professional Legal Help For Your Auto Accident Claim
Dealing with insurance adjusters while you recuperate is nerve-wracking and tedious. But you don’t have to go through this alone. W. Ron Adams, an experienced auto accident attorney, will fight for your best interests. Whether that is negotiating the settlement amount you deserve or defending you against an unlawful lawsuit or claim. Contact us today to get the best legal representation for your auto accident case.