W. Ron Adams Law, PSC

7 Common Mistakes People Make After an Auto Accident

Car accidents are extremely common but most drivers are not prepared on what to do after it happens. Trying to keep it together as you deal with physical injuries, a flood of emotions, and disorientation is not easy. And you can make mistakes that cost you in the long run.

To keep you well informed for the future, we’ve listed seven fatal mistakes you don’t want to commit after an auto accident.

Common mistakes people make after an auto accident

Failing to Call the Police

Many people don’t like involving law enforcement in their matters. And may even get tempted to flee the scene of an auto accident. However, no matter the severity of the collisions and the injuries sustained, you need to remain on the scene and call the police. Remember that law enforcement will compile an objective report that can prove invaluable for your claim. 

Failing to Gather Evidence

Unless you’re severely injured, you need to gather all the evidence you can to give your claim a kickstart. Take pictures of the cars involved, the other driver, and the injuries sustained. Record a video of the surrounding area, and gather any first-hand accounts, and contact information from eyewitnesses. The pictures and videos can help prove that you’re not liable for the accident.

Not Exchanging Information 

It’s important to exchange insurance information with the other driver for two reasons. First, the circumstances may change in the future (signs of whiplash tend to develop in the next few days) and second, you’ll need their information to enforce your right to compensation.

The information you need includes:

    • The license number and number plate
    • Name and contact information of all individuals involved in the accident
    • Car details (make, model, color, and year)
    • Insurance information 

Failing to Notify the Insurance Company

Most insurance companies require that you promptly inform them of the accident and provide truthful information to receive compensation. However, many drivers avoid calling the insurance company because they fear their premiums will increase or that they can work out a deal with the other driver. But this mistake can do irreparable damage to your claim or worse, slam you with costly bills running into thousands of dollars and a life-changing lawsuit. 

Not Seeking Medical Attention

Insurance companies pay for documented and verified injuries. Skipping a doctor’s visit may mean that even if other symptoms and injuries show up later, you may not receive the compensation you need.

Waiting Too Long to File a Claim

It is advisable to file the claim within the timeframe set by law. In Kentucky, there is a two-year statute of limitations for auto accident claims. Having an attorney file it for you helps you to beat the evasive insurance company and increases your chances of getting compensation.

Fighting Your Case Without an Attorney

Enlisting the assistance of a seasoned auto accident attorney from the start ensures that you don’t make any of these mistakes. Having an attorney not only makes your claim process flow faster and smoother, but it also gives you peace of mind that someone is looking out for your best interests.

Hire an Experienced Auto Accident Attorney

If you’ve been involved in an accident, contact W. Ron. Adams, the best auto accident attorney in Northern Kentucky. He has worked with auto accident victims for over 35 years and is ready to get you the best possible outcome for your case. Contact him today for a free consultation.